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Tasks represent work that needs to be completed. Tasks can generate Task items for users or for Rapid's system to complete. Below is a list of the different Tasks and their functionality.

Element TypeSymbolFunction
Abstract TaskA screenshot of a default task element. The task is a rounded rectangle that is empty inside.This type of task cannot be configured or automated. It is useful for documentation purposes only.
Send TaskA screenshot of a "Send Task" element. The task is a rounded rectangle that has a black envelop inside, in the upper-left corner.This uses Omnichannel to send messages. At the time of writing, this can only be configured to send emails via SendGrid. For this element to be configured correctly, SendGrid must be configured on your Rapid site.
Receive TaskA screenshot of a "Receive Task" element. The task is a rounded rectangle that has a white envelop inside, in the upper-left corner.Receives a message from SendGrid or Omnichannel. SendGrid must be configured on your Rapid site.
User TaskA screenshot of a "User Task" element. The task is a rounded rectangle that has a symbol of a person inside, in the upper-left corner.Generates a a User Task or project for a user to complete. This task can be configured with a Title, Adaptive Document, a static or dynamic Assignee, a Parent Task, a Start Date, a relative Due Date, and a Description. The task can also send an email communication to a relevant user so they are informed about the task being generated.
Manual TaskA screenshot of a "Manual Task" element. The task is a rounded rectangle that has a hand inside, in the upper-left corner.This is a task that cannot be configured. Drawing a Global Link from this task downstream to a Data Store Reference, will allow you to click the global link and configure the link to update an item or items in the Data Store Reference. This is called "modifying a data output association".
Business Rule TaskA screenshot of a "Business Rule Task" element. The task is a rounded rectangle that has a table or spreadsheet icon inside, in the upper-left corner.This element cannot be configured. It is a BPMN 2.0 symbol and useful for documentation only.
Service TaskA screenshot of a "Service Task" element. The task is a rounded rectangle that has a symbol of two cogs inside, in the upper-left corner.Triggers a Service Task. The type of service task can be configured.
Script TaskA screenshot of a "Script Task" element. The task is a rounded rectangle that has an unravelled scroll inside, in the upper-left corner.This element cannot be configured. It is a BPMN 2.0 symbol and useful for documentation only.
Call ActivityA screenshot of a "Call Activity" element. The element is a rounded rectangle that has a thick, dark border. Inside the element, at the bottom, there is an icon of a plus symbol.Launches another Workflow Process Diagram. The specific Start Event that will be triggered can be configured from this task.

Note that a task can also be configured into a sub-process.